Public Health Scotland has established Governance committees that operate as standing committees of our Board.
We have given details of each Committee’s membership and Terms of Reference, but these meetings are not open to the public.

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

The purpose of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee is to support the Chief Executive, as Accountable Officer, and the Board in their responsibilities for issues of risk, control and governance and associated assurance. The Committee is an advisory and commissioning committee promoting a climate of financial discipline and internal control and overseeing arrangements to attain value for money, regularity and propriety and reduce the risks of financial or other mismanagement.

Committee Members:

  • Liz Humphreys (Chair)
  • Steve Barron (Vice Chair)
  • Dr Anna Black
  • Carron McDiarmid
  • Colin McLean
  • Prof Rak Nandwani
  • Adele Drennan, Governance Officer (Secretary)

Population Health and Clinical Governance Committee

The purpose of the Population Health and Clinical Governance Committee is to ensure that Public Health Scotland is generating, accessing and mobilising all of the data and evidence required to ensure that the organisation is focused on and delivering the most effective solutions to tackling Scotland’s persistent poor outcomes in health, wellbeing and inequalities.

Committee Members:

  • Prof Rak Nandwani (Chair)
  • Steve Barron (Vice Chair)
  • Michael Craig (Employee Director)
  • Dr Anna Black
  • Jane-Claire Judson
  • Ann McKechin
  • Cllr Julie Bell
  • Secretary – Hilary Tenant, Governance Officer

Staff Governance Committee

The purpose of the Staff Governance Committee is to ensure that Public Health Scotland establishes a culture where the workforce of the organisation is supported to deliver the organisation’s strategic ambitions, in keeping with the dual accountability of Public Health Scotland to the Scottish Government and to COSLA and where the highest standards of staff management are maintained. It should ensure that arrangements are in place to fully implement the Staff Governance Standard underpinned by the NHS Reform (Scotland) Act 2004 and that the principles of NHS partnership working are embedded.

Committee Members:

  • Carron McDiarmid (Chair)
  • Cllr Julie Bell(Vice Chair)
  • Michael Craig
  • Elizabeth Humphreys
  • Jane-Claire Judson
  • Ann McKechin
  • Karen Donnelly (Staffside)
  • Linda Walker (Staffside)
  • Secretary - Lesley MacDonald, Governance Officer

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is a Board Committee and the purpose of the Committee is to ensure efficient and effective use of public money in relation to managerial and executive pay and that decisions on pay are fully supportable to the general public who will want assurances that the maximum level of resources goes into improving outcomes for the people of Scotland. The Committee also ensures that appropriate systems for professional registration and other related processes are in place.

Partnership Forum

The Partnership Forum is not a Board Committee however it is the focal point of our formal partnership working agreement with our recognised Trade Unions. Membership is made up of management representatives and staff side representatives and is jointly chaired by the Chief Executive and Staff Side Chair (Employee Director).The Employee Director and officers of the Board will report on partnership working to the Staff Governance Committee with the Employee Director being a member of both the Staff Governance Committee and the Partnership Forum.


If you would like more information about our Governance Committees, please contact the Executive and Governance team by emailing

Last updated: 11 July 2024
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