
“I wish to submit a Freedom Of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 request for information as follows: What percentage of Members of our Scottish Parliament have taken the Covid 19 vaccination in Covid-19 winter 2022 and Covid 19 Spring 2023? I have found no information on this request in your FOI disclosure log.

I appreciate that personal information is protected by GDPR. However, I believe that knowledge of our MSP's leadership actions, as a Group, are in our public's interest.

Our citizens personal data is not disclosed in compiling the publicly available data in the Public Health Scotland National Respiratory infection and COVID-19 statistics dashboard, (As at 30 January 2023). 

Ref: FOI Part 2 Exempt Information, S38 Personal Information - likewise our individual MSP’s personal data need not be publicly disclosed by this request.”

Last updated: 01 August 2023