All forthcoming outputs will be published at 09:30am unless otherwise stated.
Viral Respiratory Diseases (including Influenza and COVID-19) in Scotland Surveillance Report - Public Health Scotland presents epidemiological information on respiratory infection activity, including COVID-19, across Scotland. Due to the dynamic nature of all datasets included in this report, figures contained within each update may be subject to change in future releases. Any revised figures will then be reflected within the latest update.
NHS Waiting Times - Stage of Treatment -A new website dedicated to waiting times for planned hospital appointments and admissions was launched on 10 December 2024. This provides patients on an inpatient, day case or new outpatient waiting list with an easy-to-use platform to find out how long they are likely to wait for their appointment. It replaces the corresponding webpages hosted by NHS inform and include several improvements in response to recommendations by the Official Statistics Regulator. A key improvement is an expanded set of summary statistics that will provide a better reflection of people’s actual experience of waiting times across NHSScotland. For more information see PHS's blog.
Vaping Related Hospital Admissions - this publication, preannounced for release in November 2024, has been withdrawn. Investigation into the hospital admissions dataset, consultation with clinical partners and exploration of related PHS datasets indicate that the data are not robust enough or complete enough to base a statistical release on. The Health Harms Intelligence team will continue to monitor relevant datasets and engage with clinical partners and representative groups on what is still a developing area.
Self-Directed Support; Support provided or funded by local authorities in Scotland -Due to data quality issues found in the 22/23 statistics, this publication, previously preannounced for release has now been delayed until further notice.
PHS Fair Work Policy Briefing preannounced for June 2024, has been delayed until further notice this is due to extra time needed to enable further analyses.
Specialist alcohol and drugs treatment - understanding the reasons behind a reduction in the number of referrals in Scotland
This publication, pre-announced for 3 December 2024, has been delayed until further notice. This is due to further time needed for quality assurance purposes.
Scottish Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme Statistics preannounced for 28 January 2025 will be delayed due to the discovery of some data quality issues related to NHS Board of treatment data flows. The rescheduled publication date is 4 March 2025.