​​Since 1 July 2017, following approval by the Scottish Medicines Consortium​, HIV prevention in Scotland has been strengthened by the roll-out of a national programme to make HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a dual anti-retroviral medication, freely available via the NHS for individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV through sexual transmission. Scotland was the first country in the UK, and one of the first worldwide, to implement a NHS-funded HIV PrEP programme to individuals who meet risk-based eligibility criteria, delivered through sexual health services. 

This report presents data on the HIV PrEP minimum dataset, an agreed set of indicators produced through collaboration between sexual health care providers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland. 

These indicators relate to the number of​:

  • sexual health attendees 
  • individuals prescribed PrEP
  • individuals discontinuing PrEP
  • first ever HIV diagnoses and recent seroconversions recorded

The data presented are extracted from the National Sexual Health IT System (NaSH) which is used in sexual health clinics in the 11 mainland NHS boards (of a total of 14 NHS boards) in Scotland for the period 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2019. 

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Last updated: 21 March 2024
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