As part of the evaluation of the flu and COVID-19 vaccination programmes, we have produced a report following interviews with health board vaccination leads to establish facilitators and barriers to delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination programme as of July 2021.

The report comprises findings of 16 interviews with 17 health board vaccination leads, followed by recommendations for the programme based on these interviews.

Topics covered include:

  • delivery models
  • inclusion work
  • engagement and communication
  • outreach vaccination activity
  • programme factors affecting delivery
  • communications
  • systems
  • what helped and hindered the programme
  • impact of lockdown changes and sustainability

Important information

This report was based on interviews conducted in July 2021 and was written and shared with programme stakeholders in September 2021.

The content was accurate at the time of writing, but it should be highlighted that the programme has evolved since then and as such the content may now be out of date.

In the interests of transparency, the original content has not been changed but we have made some minor formatting changes to ensure the published report meets accessibility guidelines.

In addition, as the report was initially written for an internal audience who may be more familiar with the programme, we have added a few footnotes to this version of the report to provide clarity for an external audience.

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Older versions of this publication

Versions of this publication released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.

Last updated: 21 March 2024
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