About this release

This is the seventh report on Residential Rehabilitation within the Monitoring and Evaluation Programme largest led by Public Health Scotland. The report presents information on the number of Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) statutory funded placements into residential rehabilitation, with estimated costs, that were approved between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2023. Information is provided at a Scotland level, NHS Board and each Alcohol and Drug Partnership.

Main points

  • Overall, between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2023, 1,352 statutory funded placements (including ADP approved placements, National Mission funded placements and Ward 5 data) for residential rehabilitation were approved in Scotland. The total estimated cost over this time frame was £10,784,859.
  • In Q4 2022/23, 233 statutory funded placements were approved for residential rehabilitation in Scotland. This is an increase of 76 placements when compared to Q4 2021/22 (n=157), and an increase of 5 placements when compared to Q3 2022/23 (n=228).
  • Of the 233 placements approved in Q4 2022/23, 195 placements were approved by ADPs; 18 placements were approved by Ward 5 Woodland View in NHS Ayrshire and Arran, and 20 placements were approved through the Scottish Government's National Mission Programme. Figure 1 below shows the total number of ADP approved placements, and the yearly average, from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023.
  • The 20 National Mission funded placements include the following services: the Prison to Rehab pathway; Aberlour Mother and Child Recovery House; River Garden Auchincruive and Phoenix Future Harper House, Specialist Family Service Scotland.
  • The total estimated cost for 233 placements was £2,159,998. This cost is made up of £1,650,707 from 195 ADP approved placements, £270,216 for 18 placements to Ward 5 Woodland View, and £239,075 for 17 Prison to Rehab placements, which is included under the National Mission programme. Cost information is currently not available for Aberlour Mother and Child Recovery House; River Garden Auchincruive and Phoenix Future Harper House, Specialist Family Service Scotland.
  • The largest number of ADP approved placements (n=74) occurred in March 2023.
  • Information on the characteristics of individuals offered placements was available for the ADP approved placements (n=195), in Q4 2022/23, and this showed:
    • 70% of placements were for males (n=137), and 30% of placements were for females (n=58).
    • 50% (n=97) of the 195 approved placements by ADPs were for people with problematic alcohol use, 34% (n=66) was for people with problematic drug use, and 16% (n=32), was for people with co-dependency.
  • The largest number of approved placements by ADPs in Q4 was Glasgow City (n=40,20%), followed by West Dunbartonshire ADP (n=24,12%) and then City of Edinburgh ADP (n=21,11%). Caution must be made when comparing data between ADPs.
  • The most common reason for ADPs submitting a nil return during Q4 2022/23 was due to no referrals being received for residential rehabilitation treatment.
Image caption Figure 1: Number of ADP Approved Placements in Scotland, 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023


Residential rehabilitation is a well-established intervention for the treatment of drug and alcohol problems and is recognised as an important option for some people requiring treatment. As part of the National Mission, the Scottish Government has committed to invest £100M for residential rehabilitation. Since 2021/22, and for the next five years, the Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships in Scotland have been allocated £13.5M, with £5M earmarked to support additional capacity and access Residential Rehabilitation services.

Further information

The monitoring and reporting arrangements of this report are currently under review. Any future publications will be announced in due course.

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Older versions of this publication

Versions of this publication released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.

Last updated: 21 March 2024
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